Theme 2: Measuring and Valuing Outcomes

Economic evaluation relies on the ability to measure the benefits of interventions in a consistent way. We need to do this across different disease areas, types of interventions and patient groups. The most common way of doing this is by calculating Quality Adjusted life Years and using the EQ5D instrument to both measure health and value it (from off the shelf scores from the UK general population). The EEPRU work programme in this theme focuses on situations where these methods may not work so well.

Project 1: Ill health in parents can have health -related impacts on their children that should be reflected in evaluations. This project uses large scale panel survey data from Understanding Society following cohorts of children including the period when they transit into adulthood. 

Project 2:   Focusses on several issues that will arise from the new EQ-5D-5L value set, due for release in 2024.  i) We will develop methods that are suitable to allow analysts to map to EQ-5D-5L, that is, to estimate what the 5L score would be based on clinical outcomes for patients. ii) We will refine tools that allow analysts to convert estimates from the old 3L to the new 5L values. iii) we will use large UK surveys that include responses to the 5L to estimate general population norms, by age and sex, and iv) we will use a cross section of NICE appraisals to examine the likely impact of moving from the 3L to 5L.

Project 1: Children and parental health 

Project 2: EQ5D-5L adoption issues

Project 3: Valuing quality of life for residents of care homes 

Project 4: Generating consistent health state utilities and QALYs across the life-course from cradle to grave 

Project 5: EQ-5D and priority mental health conditions. Applying new methods to establish validity and potential bias