EQ5D-5L adoption issues
Theme 2: Measuring and Valuing Outcomes
The EQ5D-5L is in widespread use as a descriptive system in clinical studies globally. It is the default instrument used in publicly funded studies in this country.
However, due to concerns about the value Set for England that the EuroQoL Group produced, NICE and other bodies recommend that values be estimated based on the older 3L value set for the UK whilst a new 5L value set is developed. That work is nearing completion. Implementation of this change will raise several challenges.
To provide essential information for the transition from EQ5D-3L to 5L
Project Team
Allan Wailoo, Monica Hernandez, Steve Pudney
Allan Wailoo a.j.wailoo@sheffield.ac.uk
Plain English Summary
The EQ-5D is a standardised questionnaire used to measure health-related quality of life. It is commonly employed in health research, clinical studies, and economic evaluations. The "EQ" stands for "EuroQol," (a quality of life research group) and the "5D" refers to its five dimensions. These dimensions are:
Mobility: Ability to move around.
Self-Care: Ability to take care of personal hygiene and daily activities.
Usual Activities: Ability to engage in usual activities, such as work or housework.
Pain/Discomfort: Experience of pain or discomfort.
Anxiety/Depression: Presence of anxiety or depression.
Individuals rate their health on each dimension, and the combination of these ratings is used to generate a health profile or index. The EQ-5D is widely used for assessing the impact of health conditions, interventions, or treatments on individuals' overall well-being. It provides a standardised measure that can be used across different health conditions and groups of people. The tool is valuable in health research for comparing and evaluating the effectiveness of various healthcare interventions and informing health policy decisions.
This research focuses on transitioning from using the EQ5D 3 level version (3L), a widely used tool in global clinical studies, to the newer EQ5D 5 level version (5L). 5L is seen as being better able to allow respondents to rate their health in more detail. However, concerns about the scores for England for the EQ5D-5L prompted recommendations to stick with the older 3L value set until a new 5L set is ready.
Aims and objectives:
The study aims to provide relevant information for policy makers as preparation for when the change does occur.
We will develop methods that will smooth the transition from the 3L to 5L Value set in England
We will provide information on the likely impact of switching from 3L to 5L on cost effectiveness results.
The methodology involves four projects:
1. Mapping: Updating statistical methods for estimating patient scores on EQ5D-5L based on disease-specific measures, a process known as mapping. The goal is to ensure accurate calculations of Quality-Adjusted Life Years (QALYs) in economic evaluations.
2. Mapping from 3L: Updating analyses estimating the relationship between EQ5D-3L and EQ5D-5L responses, allowing analysts to use the new 5L value set effectively.
3. Updating Estimates for Age Adjustment: Reviewing available data sources and analysing health state valuations to account for age-related deterioration in health-related Quality of Life (QoL), extending previous work using 3L data to include 5L.
4. Impact of Switching from 3L to 5L: Assessing the consequences of switching from EQ5D-3L to EQ5D-5L in terms of cost-effectiveness in trials and NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) appraisals, providing valuable insights for decision-makers and stakeholders.
Policy relevance & dissemination:
The policy relevance lies in the extensive use of EQ5D in economic evaluations. These projects aim to offer critical information and tools for policymakers and analysts, facilitating a smooth transition to the new EQ5D-5L values when they are available and approved.