Journal Articles
Woods, B., Palacios, A. & Sculpher, M. A Framework for Using Cost-effectiveness Analysis to Support Pricing and Reimbursement Decisions for New Pharmaceuticals in a Context of Evolving Treatments, Prices, and Evidence. PharmacoEconomics (2024).
Woods, B., Kearns, B., Schmitt, L. et al. Assessing the Value of New Antimicrobials: Evaluations of Cefiderocol and Ceftazidime-Avibactam to Inform Delinked Payments by the NHS in England. Appl Health Econ Health Policy (2024).
Woods, B., Lomas, J., Sculpher, M., Weatherly, H., & Claxton, K. (2024). Achieving dynamic efficiency in pharmaceutical innovation: Identifying the optimal share of value and payments required. Health Economics, 33(4), 804–819.
Salas-Ortiz, A., Longo, F., Claxton, K., & Lomas, J. (2024). Unpacking the care-related quality of life effect of England's publicly funded adult social care. A panel data analysis. Health Economics, 1–21.
Hill H, Roadevin C, Duffy S, Mandrik O, Brentnall A. Cost-Effectiveness of AI for Risk-Stratified Breast Cancer Screening. JAMA Netw Open. 2024;7(9):e2431715. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.31715
Woods B, Schmitt L, Jankovic D, Kearns B, Scope A, Ren S, Srivastava T, Ku CC, Hamilton J, Rothery C, Bojke L, Sculpher M, Harnan S. Cefiderocol for treating severe aerobic Gram-negative bacterial infections: technology evaluation to inform a novel subscription-style payment model. Health Technol Assess. 2024 Jun;28(28):1-238. doi: 10.3310/YGWR4511. PMID: 38938145; PMCID: PMC11229178.
Powell P., Rowen D., Keetharuth A., Mukuria C., Shah K. (2024) Who should value children’s health and how? An international Delphi study. Social Science & Medicine.
Longo F., Claxton K., Griffin S., Mason A., Walker S., Weatherly H. (2024) Social Decision-Making Analysis: A General Approach to Inform Decisions on Resources in the Public Sector. Value in Health, 2024.
Gibbs NK, Griffin S, Gutacker N, Villaseñor A, Walker S. The Health Impact of Waiting for Elective Procedures in the NHS in England: A Modeling Framework Applied to Coronary Artery Bypass Graft and Total Hip Replacement. Medical Decision Making. 2024;44(5):572-585. doi:10.1177/0272989X241256639
Woods, B., Lomas, J., Sculpher, M., Weatherly, H., & Claxton, K. (2024). Achieving dynamic efficiency in pharmaceutical innovation: Identifying the optimal share of value and payments required. Health Economics, 1–16.
Keetharuth, A.D., Gray, L.A., McGrane, E. et al. Mapping Short Warwick and Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (SWEMWBS) to Recovering Quality of Life (ReQoL) to estimate health utilities. Health Qual Life Outcomes 22, 7 (2024).
Powell P., Rowen D., Keetharuth D., Mukuria C., (2023) Understanding UK public views on normative decisions made to value health-related quality of life in children: A qualitative study. Social Science & Medicine, 116506.
Longo F., Claxton K., Lomas J., et al (2023), Is extending eligibility for adult social care better than investing more in existing users in England? A cross-sectional evidence for multiple financial years. BMJ Open;13:e070833.
Longo, F., Claxton, K., Martin, S. & Lomas, J. (2023), More long-term care for better healthcare and vice versa: investigating the mortality effects of interactions between these public sectors. Fiscal Studies, 00, 1– 28.
Martin, S., Claxton, K., Lomas, J. and Longo, F., (2023). The impact of different types of NHS expenditure on health: Marginal cost per QALY estimates for England for 2016/17. Health Policy, 132, p.104800.
Hernández Alava, M., Pudney, S. & Wailoo, A. (2022) Estimating the Relationship Between EQ-5D-5L and EQ-5D-3L: Results from a UK Population Study. PharmacoEconomics.
Hussain H, Keetharuth AD, Rowen D, Wailoo A. (2022) Convergent validity of EQ-5D with core outcomes in dementia: a systematic review. Health Qual Life Outcomes 20, 152.
Woods, B., Fox, A., Sculpher, M., & Claxton, K. (2021). Estimating the shares of the value of branded pharmaceuticals accruing to manufacturers and to patients served by health systems. Health Economics, 1– 18.
Keetharuth A, Hussain H, Rowen D, Wailoo A. (2022) “Assessing the psychometric performance of EQ-5D-5L in dementia: a systematic review", Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 20, Article number: 139
Peasgood T, Mukuria C, Rowen D, Tsuchiya A & Wailoo A (2022) Should We Consider Including a Value for "Hope" as an Additional Benefit Within Health Technology Assessment?. Value Health. Published:April 28, 2022
Rowen D, Keetharuth D, Poku E, Wong R, Pennington R & Wailoo A (2021) A review of the psychometric performance of selected child and adolescent preference-based measures used to produce utilities for child and adolescent health. Value in Health, 24(3), 443-460.
Rowen, D., et al. (2022). "A Discrete Choice Experiment to Elicit General Population Preferences Around the Factors Influencing the Choice to Make Clinical Negligence Claims." Value in Health.
Hernández-Alava, M., & Pudney, S. (2022). Mapping between EQ-5D-3L and EQ-5D-5L: A survey experiment on the validity of multi-instrument data. Health Economics, 1– 17.
Martin S, Lomas J, Claxton K, Longo F. How Effective is Marginal Healthcare Expenditure? New Evidence from England for 2003/04 to 2012/13. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy. 2021 Jul 21.
Martin S, Longo F, Lomas J, Claxton K. Causal impact of social care, public health and healthcare expenditure on mortality in England: cross-sectional evidence for 2013/2014. BMJ Open. 2021 Oct 15;11(10):e046417.
Longo F, Claxton K, Lomas J, Martin S. Does public long-term care expenditure improve care-related quality of life of service users in England? Health Economics. 2021 Jul 27.
Soares MO, Sculpher MJ, Claxton K. Authors' Response to: "Health Opportunity Costs and Expert Elicitation: A Comment on Soares et al." by Sampson, Firth, and Towse. Medical Decision Making. 2021 Feb 25. 272989X20987222.
Martin S, Lomas J, Claxton K. Is an ounce of prevention worth a pound of cure? A cross-sectional study of the impact of English public health grant on mortality and morbidity. BMJ Open. 2020 Oct 10;10(10). e036411.
Woods B, Fox A, Sculpher M, Claxton K. Estimating the shares of the value of branded pharmaceuticals accruing to manufacturers and to patients served by health systems. Health Economics 2021, vol. 30, pp2649-2666.
Duarte A, Walker S, Metry A, Wong R, Panovska‐Griffiths J, Sculpher M. Jointly modelling economics and epidemiology to support public policy decisions for the COVID‐19 response: a review of UK studies. Pharmacoeconomics 2021,
Wailoo, A., Hernández Alava, M., Pudney, S., Barton, G., O’Dwyer, J., Gomes, M., Irvine, L., Meads, D. and Sadique, Z. (2021) An International Comparison of EQ-5D-5L and EQ-5D-3L for Use in Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, Value in Health, ISSN 1098-3015,
Rowen, D., Keetharuth, A., Poku, E., Wong, R., Pennington, R., Wailoo, A. (2020) A review of the psychometric performance of selected child and adolescent preference-based measures used to generate utility values for children. Value in Health, ISSN 1098-3015.
Elliott, R. A., Camacho, E., Jankovic, D., Sculpher, M. J. and Faria, R. (2020) Economic analysis of the prevalence and clinical and economic burden of medication error in England (PDF, 401KB), BMJ Quality and Safety, published online first: 11 June 2020.
Hernandez, M., Pudney, S., Wailoo, A. (2020) The EQ-5D-5L Value Set for England: Findings of a Quality Assurance Program. Value in Health, Preferenced-Based Assessments, 23(5), pp. 642-648, 1 May 2020.
Soares MO, Sculpher MJ, Claxton K. Health Opportunity Costs: Assessing the Implications of Uncertainty Using Elicitation Methods with Experts. Medical Decision Making. 2020 May 1;40(4):448-459.
Lomas, J., Martin, S., Claxton, K. (2019) Estimating the marginal productivity of the English National Health Service from 2003 to 2012, Value in Health, published online 18 June 2019.
Keetharuth, A. D., Bjorner, J. B., Barkham, M., Browne, J., Croudace, T., Brazier, J. (2018) Exploring the item sets of the Recovering Quality of Life (ReQoL) measures using factor analysis, Quality of Life Research, 2018 December 21:1-1.
Keetharuth, A. D., Taylor Buck, E., Conway, K., Acquadro, C., Connell, J., Barkham, M. et al. (2018) Integrating qualitative and quantitative data in the development of outcome measures: the case of the Recovering Quality of Life (ReQoL) measures in mental health populations. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(7).
Connell, J., Carlton, J., Grundy, A., Taylor Buck, E., Keetharuth, A., Ricketts, T., Barkham, M., Rose, D., Robotham, D., Rose, D., Brazier, J. (2018) The importance of content and face validity in instrument development: Lessons learnt from service users when developing the Recovering Quality of Life (ReQoL) measure, Quality of Life Research, 27(7):1893–902.
Stevens, K., Brazier, J., Rowen, D. (2018) Estimating an exchange rate between the EQ-5D-3L and ASCOT. European Journal of Health Economics, 19: 653.
Claxton, K., Lomas, J., Martin, S. (2018) The impact of NHS expenditure on health outcomes in England: Alternative approaches to identification in all‐cause and disease specific models of mortality, Health Economics, 1–7.
Keetharuth, A., Brazier, J., Connell, J., Bjorner, J., Carlton, J., Taylor Buck, E., Barkham, M. (2018) Recovering Quality of Life (ReQoL): a new generic self-reported outcome measure for use with people experiencing mental health difficulties, The British Journal of Psychiatry, 212(1), pp. 42-49.
Walker, S. M., Spackman, E., Conrad, N., Edmin, C. A., Griffin, E., Rahimi, K., Sculpher, M. J. (2017) The impact of missed treatment opportunities on outcomes in hospitalised heart failure patients, Open Heart.
Weatherly, H. L. A., Neves De Faria, R. I., van den Berg, B. (2017) Quantifying informal care for economic evaluation in mental health, Mental Health Economics: the Costs and Benefits of Psychiatric Care, Razzouk, D. (ed.) 1st edn. Springer, pp. 267-280 13 p. Chapter 17.
Espinoza, M. A., Manca, A,. Claxton, K,. Sculpher, M. (2017) Social value and individual choice: The value of a choice‐based decision‐making process in a collectively funded health system, Health Economics.
Kearns, B., Rafia, R., Leaviss, J., Preston, L., Brazier, J., Palmer, S., Ara, R. (2017) The cost-effectiveness of changes to the care pathway used to identify depression and provide treatment amongst people with diabetes in England: a model-based economic evaluation (PDF, 769KB), BMC Health Services Research, 17, p. 78. Article published 24/01/17.
Mukuria, C., Rowen, D., Hernandez-Alava, M., Dixon, S., Ara, R. (2017) Predicting productivity losses from health-related quality of life using patient data, Applied Health Econ Health Policy. Article published 31/03/17.
Faria, R., Woods, B., Griffin, S., Palmer, S., Sculpher, M. and Ryder, S. D. (2016) Prevention of progression to cirrhosis in hepatitis C with fibrosis: effectiveness and cost effectiveness of sequential therapy with new direct-acting anti-virals, Aliment Pharmacol Ther, 44, pp. 866–876. doi: 10.1111/apt.13775
Whyte, S., Dixon, S., Faria, R., Walker, S., Palmer, S., Sculpher, M., Radford, S. (2016) Estimating the cost-effectiveness of implementation: is sufficient evidence available?, Value in Health, 19(2), pp. 138-144, March–April 2016.
Faria, R., Walker, S., Whyte, S., Dixon, S., Palmer, S., Sculpher, M. (2016) How to invest in getting cost-effective technologies into practice? A framework for value of implementation analysis applied to novel oral anticoagulants, Medical Decision Making, 37(2), pp. 148–161. First Published 22 April 2016.
Rowen, D., Brazier, J., Mukuria, C., Keetharuth, A., Risa, A., Tsuchiya, A., Whyte, S., Shackley, P. (2016) Eliciting societal preferences for weighting QALYs for burden of illness and end of life, Medical Decision Making, 36(2), pp. 210-222. Article published 08/02/2016.
Rowen, D., Brazier, J., Keetharuth, A., Tsuchiya, A., Mukuria, C. (2016) Comparison of modes of administration and alternative formats for eliciting societal preferences for burden of illness (PDF, 774KB), Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 14, pp. 89-104. Article published 08/02/2016.
Faria, R., Kiss, N., Aspinal, F. J., Harden, M., Weatherly, H. L. A. (2015) Economic evaluation of social care interventions: lessons drawn from a systematic review of the methods used to evaluate reablement, Article in Health Economics and Outcome Research: Open Access.
Spackman, E., Hinde, S., Bojke, L., Payne, K., Sculpher, M. J. (2015) Establishing the cost-effectiveness of genomic-based diagnostic tests: are current methods sufficient and appropriate?, Value in Health, 18(7), A727.
Rowen, D., Dixon, S., Hernandez, M., Mukuria, C. (2015) Estimating informal care effects associated with EQ-5D for use in economic evaluation (PDF, 478KB), European Journal of Health Economics. Published online 01/08/2015.
Hinde, S., McKenna, C., Whyte, S., Peake, M. D., Callister, M. E. J., Roger, T., Sculphe, M. (2015) Modelling the cost-effectiveness of public awareness campaigns for the early detection of non-small cell lung cancer (PDF, 325KB). British Journal of Cancer, 113, pp. 135-141. Published online 26/05/2015.
Janice Connell, J., O’Cathain, A., Brazier, J. (2014) Measuring quality of life in mental health: are we asking the right questions?, Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 120, pp. 12-20.
Weatherly, H. L. A., Faria, R., Van Den Berg, B. (2014) Valuing informal care for economic evaluation. Encyclopedia of Health Economics. Culyer, A. J. (ed.) San Diego: Elsevier, 1, pp. 459-467.
Van den Berg, B,. Fiebig, D. G., Hall, J. (2014) Well-being losses due to care-giving (PDF, 324KB). Journal of Health Economics, 2014, 35, pp. 123-131. Article published 01/01/2014.
Faria, R., Barbieri, M., Light, K., Elliot, R. E., Sculpher, M. (2014) The economics of medicines optimisation: policy developments, remaining challenges and research priorities (PDF, 408KB). British Medical Bulletin. doi: 10.1093/bmb/ldu021. Article published 01/01/2014.
Espinoza, M., Manca, A., Claxton, K., Sculpher, M. (2014) The value of heterogeneity for cost-effectiveness subgroup analysis: conceptual framework and application (PDF, 234KB). Medical Decision Making. doi: 10.1177/0272989X14538705 2014. Article published 01/01/2014.
Whyte, S., Harnan, S. (2014) Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an awareness campaign for colorectal cancer: a mathematical modeling study (PDF, 597KB). Article published 01/03/2014.
Barbieri, M., Weatherly, H. L. A., Ara, R., Basarir, H., Sculpher, M., Adams, R., Ahmed, H., Coles, C., Guerrero-Urbano, T., Nutting, C., Powell, M. (2014) What is the quality of economic evaluations of non-drug therapies? A systematic review and critical appraisal of economic evaluations of radiotherapy for cancer (PDF, 1.3MB). Applied Health Economics and Health Policy 2014. doi:10.1007/s40258-014-0115-8. Article published 01/07/2014.
Ara, R., Kearns, B., van Hout, B. A., Brazier, J. E. (2014) Predicting preference-based utility values using partial proportional odds models (PDF, 223KB). BMC Research Notes, 438-438, 8 July 2014. Article published 02/07/2014.
Ara, R., Basarir, H., Keetharuth, A., Barbieri, M., Weatherly, H., Sculpher, M. (2014) Are surgical procedure policy decisions informed by robust economic evidence? (PDF, 216KB), International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health, 30(4), pp. 381-393. Article published 1/10/2014.
Brazier, J., Connell, J., Papaioannou, D., Mukuria, C., Mulhern, B., Peasgood, T., Lloyd-Jones, M. et al. (2014). A systematic review, psychometric analysis and qualitative assessment of generic preference-based measures of health in mental health populations and the estimation of mapping functions from widely used specific measures, Health Technology Assessment (Winchester, England), 18(34).
Barbieri, M., Weatherly, H., Sculpher, M., Ara, R., Basarir, H. (2013) A systematic review and critical appraisal of economic evaluations of radiotherapy for cancer. Value in Health 16(7), A409-A409. Conference published 05/11/2013.
Connell, J., Brazier, J., O’Cathain, A., Myfanwy Lloyd – Jones, M., Paisley, S. (2012) Quality of life of people with mental health problems: a synthesis of qualitative research. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 10(138).
Faria, R., Weatherly, H., Van den Berg, B. (2012) A review of approaches to measure and monetarily value informal care, Berg. In: Curtis, L. (ed.) Unit costs of health and social care 2012. Kent: PSSRU; 2012. pp. 22-31.