Pricing models for multi-indication drugs in the UK NHS

Project theme: Applied economic evaluation and policy analysis

There has been much debate internationally about the merits of moving from a uniform price across uses of a new pharmaceutical to a price for each use of the product, i.e., indication-based pricing (IBP).  This is a key issue for cancer drugs where the number of products with licenses for multiple indications is increasing. 

IBP offers the potential to improve access to medicines, and innovation, but is also expected to increase pharmaceutical expenditure with associated health opportunity costs.


This project aims to provide new research to understand how alternative models for pricing multi-indication drugs could influence patient outcomes and health care expenditure. It also seeks to understand how different pricing policies can be appropriately operationalised within the UK NHS.  

Project Team

Beth Woods, Carlos Rojas Roque, Claire Rothery, Mark Sculpher, Karl Claxton, 


Beth Woods


Woods B, Roque CJ, Rothery C, Sculpher M, Claxton K, (2024) Estimating the overall population health effects of uniform pricing, indication-based pricing, and alternative commercial arrangements for new pharmaceuticals in the UK NHS. Policy Research Unit in Economic Evaluation of Health and Care Interventions. Universities of Sheffield and York. Report 074. DOI