Assessing the content validity of child and adolescent-specific preference-based measures with potential to inform UK policy

Project theme: Outcomes 

Whilst EQ-5D-5L is typically recommended for use to generate utilities and QALYs for adults in the UK, there is no such recommended measure for children. There is emerging evidence of good psychometric performance of child and adolescent-specific preference-based measures that can be used to inform UK policy, including EQ-5D-Y-3L, CHU9D, and HUI across a number of psychometric properties. However, there is no evidence assessing the content validity of these measures across their entire intended age range, including their relevance (appropriateness of each dimension and severity levels), comprehensiveness (whether all important aspects of health are included) and comprehensibility (wording and aspects of health are understandable and interpreted correctly). In addition EQ-5D-5L can be used in adolescents aged 12 and over, but its content validity for use in this age group has not been assessed.


This project aims to assess the content validity of EQ-5D-Y, CHU9D, HUI and EQ-5D-5L (i.e. relevance, comprehensiveness and comprehensibility) via self-report and proxy report, across the age range of children and adolescents that the measures have been advocated for. 

Project Team

Jill Carlton, Donna Rowen, Philip Powell, Clara Mukuria and John Brazier


Jill Carlton and Donna Rowen and


UK PROMS Conference June 2023, Sheffield