Prioritising Research through Engagement with older Adult Care Homes (PREACH)

Theme: PPIE

The Virtual International Care Home Trials Archive (VICHTA) is a repository of data pooled from RCTs conducted exclusively in older adult care homes.  There are currently 6 trials, comprising individual participant data on 5700 residents in 340 UK care homes, collected 2011-2019.   We propose to extend this work, by identifying key research priorities reported by care home staff, residents, their representatives, local authority commissioners and regulators, that secondary data analysis of VICHTA trial data can answer.  

Priority setting is an opportunity to become actively involved in care home networks, and test how to identify and generate new research ideas that are grounded in the lives and experiences of those who live and work in care homes. 


Project Team

Lisa Irvine (health economist and VICHTA lead) and Kerry Micklewright (occupational therapist and public involvement researcher) at University of Hertfordshire.


Lisa Irvine